All competitors must be fully paid up members of Banbury Central Bowling Club.
Bowls must be stamped to comply with county regulations indicating 1985 or later.
All rounds will be played in greys and regulation bowls shoes. Finals in whites.
Players entering a competition must be (as far as possible) available to play on the final dates specified. Any member who after the date of the draw realises they are no longer available for the final should contact the Competition Secretary.
Play by date competitions:
The Challenger (who appears first in the draw), will offer the opponent, within seven days of the closing date of the previous round (or for the first round; within two weeks of the draw being published), three dates for the match to be played, one of which the opponent must accept or concede the match. At least one date should be on a Saturday or Sunday. Weekday games are to start not earlier than 18.00 and Weekend games to start not earlier than 10.00 or later than 18.00 except by mutual agreement.
In the event that dates are not offered within the prescribed time the second named player becomes the Challenger and has the right to offer the playing dates. The original Challenger shall be responsible for any playing arrangements that may be necessary (e.g. Arranging a Marker etc.)
Within 3 days after receipt of dates from a Challenger one of the dates must be accepted or the game will be conceded to the player who has offered the dates.
If the opponent or any team member has a prior arrangement to play a Club, County or National competition on one or more of the dates offered then they can request another date from the Challenger which must be provided. As such a Challenger should plan for four possible dates.
Any player who, after all reasonable attempts to contact an opponent, has been unable to do so, should inform the Competition Secretary and register the dates offered.
Any non-Challenger who will be out of contact for any extended time during the round should notify the Challenger in advance to avoid problems.
If a game cannot be played within the agreed time then either of the two players/teams can concede or alternatively decide the result between them by the toss of a coin.
If neither player/team arranges to play the game within the prescribed play by date both entrants may be disqualified from the competition.
Players are asked to arrange games early to avoid the possibility of all rinks being booked.
Games are not permitted to be played after the closing date for each round. In extenuating circumstances any application for an extension will be considered by the Competitions Sub-Committee whose decision will be final.
The (Original) Challenger is responsible for booking the rink on the agreed date. Failure to have a rink available on the day will result in a forfeit of the match.
The (Original) Challenger in a singles game will be responsible for arranging a marker and failure to provide one on the day will result in a forfeit of the match.
Set Date Competitions:
These games will be played on the set date and time as set down by the organizing committee.
The game can (only with mutual arrangement and agreement of both teams) be played at an earlier time and date but cannot be played after the set date. Players should make every effort to accommodate others and find an agreed rearranged date if required. Any change to arrangements should be notified to the Competitions Secretary so that rink bookings can be cancelled.
Rinks will be booked and allocated by the Competition Secretary.
It is the responsibility of all players in a team to ensure that the whole team will turn up on the day or a suitable substitute is arranged. Failure to field a full team on the day will result in a forfeit of the match.
If any player in a team or individual player in singles is unable to play within 30 minutes of the official start time and no valid substitute can be found they will concede the match to their opponents.
In all Singles games, unless otherwise prescribed, the winner shall be the first player to reach 21 shots.
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A team or individual can concede a game at any point.
In the event of sudden illness (resulting in a delay of more than 10 minutes) a game must be stopped and any incomplete end is cancelled. The game can be conceded or resumed immediately with a valid substitute if necessary. An incomplete game can be resumed at a later date by mutual agreement when trial ends will also be played before resumption.
Similarly in the event of the green becoming unplayable due to adverse weather or bad light then with agreement of both skips the game can be suspended whereupon the same rules as above apply.
A substitute is permissible providing he/she has not played or has been drawn to play in any other side in the competition.
A drawn player is only eligible to play for the team in which they were originally drawn and will always remain the first choice reserve for that team.
A substitute shall not be allowed under any circumstances if the original drawn player is available to play.
Players taking part in the first game constitute the original entry. Any drawn players unable to play in the first game but available for the remainder of the Competition must be approached first as a substitute.
One additional (and the same) player may however be used as a substitute at any time. In mixed competitions one of each gender is permissible.
The original parity of gender in mixed teams and parity of experience in seeded teams must be maintained.
A substitute must be approved in advance by the Competition Secretary whose assessment of appropriate ‘parity of experience’ is final.
Entrants who are not drawn in a team automatically become first choice substitutes for that competition and must be approached to play before any other bowler by a team needing a player. Rules about parity of gender and experience must still be applied.
If a player withdraws from the Competition BEFORE the first game played by the team for whatever reason the Competition Secretary may appoint a replacement player who is thereafter considered a full team member and is not a substitute. The withdrawing player is not a valid later substitute for any team.
A substitute may play in any position except in a resumed game (game interrupted through illness or any other reason). In this case a substitute shall not play in the Skip position.
Competitors must be available for published Finals dates. If players are unavailable substitutes will be used for team events. In singles a walkover will be given against the defaulting player.
If any competitor in a singles event becomes aware that they will not be available to play a final, or unable to complete a round due to any circumstances, they must concede their match at the earliest opportunity.
Winners of the Club Championship Singles are eligible to represent the Club in the National Champion of Champions.
The rules of the National Sporting body shall be applied in all circumstances not covered by these rules. I.e. Laws of the Sport of Indoor Bowls or Bowls England Laws of the Game.
Any dispute not settled by the Competition Secretary can be referred to the Club Committee whose decision is final.
Please note: The green normally opens for play at 10.00 on Saturdays and Sundays and at 12.00 noon on Mondays to Fridays. Please do not arrange games outside of these times. However, the Club Committee, Greens Committee and/or the green keeper may alter this at their discretion. In such circumstances, notice will be given whenever possible.